Here you can find a list of all widgets. Click on the widget name or the logo to find the elaborate description.
Information about the availability of the individual widgets on the different display types can be found in the manual.
Lift Buttons
List of all Widgets
- CarCall[floor]
- Date+Time[text]
- DiaShow[basic]
- DirectionIndicator[double]
- DirectionIndicator[single]
- FloorIndicator[nostalgic]
- FloorInfo[v2]
- HallCall[basic]
- LiftInfo[icon+text]
- LiftInfo[text]
- LiftStatus[classic]
- Load[bar]
- Load[digit]
- Load[icons]
- Load[needle]
- PIN Pad
- Position[digit]
- Position[shaft]
- RssReader[header]
- SpecialFunctionButton[basic]
- Speed[digit]
- TextArea[basic]
- Time[analogue]
- VideoPlayer[simple]
- WeatherTemp[text]
- Weather[icon]
- LiftInfo[icon]