We provide different design packages for an ideal design for your needs.

Standard bundle
Use pre-defined designs, which are ready for use with just a few clicks:
Chose the design, enter your building's specifications, synchronise, done!
Standard designs are free and already inluded in the web editor.
a professional design with the most important content
quick and simple set-up
integrate your own content and information

Premium bundle
Chose from versatile screendesigns and find the right foundation for your next project.
Three individual design adaptations by our team are included. You always stay in control about the content.
a variety of professional designs, developed for real cases of application
you can change some details
integrate your own content and information

Individual bundle
This full service includes all steps up to the finished screendesign on your display.
We consult you and together create a design geared to your special case of application. The aim is to not only combine aesthetics and functionality in the design, but create an added value for all users. .
wide choice of professional designs, developed for real application cases
you can change some details
integrate your own content and information